The Member Descriptions window ( Fabricator Settings )

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To open Member Descriptions :

Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Descriptions .

Methods 2, 3 & 4 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Fabricator Settings > Member Descriptions (classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.

Password protection: If a password has been set using the Change Setup Password utility, you can open this window only if you first enter that exact password.

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Default Descriptions Piecemark Prefixes

------ Major member types ------
(Beam, Column, etc.)

The entry fields under this tab are particularly useful for users in non-English-speaking countries who want to use non-English terms for major member types. They let you enter a specific member type to be identified on the callouts on member details , in the " Drawing description " on the Drawing Data window, and on the " Description " in line 1 on the member's bill of material. Descriptions can be up to 22 characters.

The Default Description entered here :
" Description " in the bill editor :
Description in the detail callout :

Example: Viga is the Spanish word for beam. You enter ' VIGA ' to " Beam " on this window, then Add several beams to the 3D model. When you Detail Members and select the newly added beams, they will each be identified on their details as a VIGA .

Warning : This should be done at the beginning of a Job, before you Add Member . The description that is given to a member when it is created remains with that member throughout its existence, unless it is changed on the Drawing Data window or using " Member description " in Member Status Review .

------ Miscellaneous members ------

Line 1 is the default description applied to subsequently added miscellaneous members and legacy miscellaneous members .

Any descriptions listed here can be applied to a miscellaneous member as the " Member description " in Member Status Review .
Tip: Cut ( Ctrl+x ), copy ( Ctrl+c ) and paste ( Ctrl+v ) are available as keyboard shortcuts for individual cells on this table. You can also right-click a cell to get a menu with the options " Cut " " Copy " and " Paste ."

Example: You enter ' MISC ' to line 1, ' HANDRAIL ' to line 2. When you later Add Miscellaneous Member , you change the " Status " > " Member description " from ' MISC ' (the default) to ' HANDRAIL '. After you Detail that miscellaneous member, the member is identified on its detail and bill of material as a handrail.

Tracking the descriptions: Miscellaneous member descriptions appear in callouts on member details , in the " Drawing description " on the Drawing Data window, and in the line 1 " Description " on the member's bill of material.

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Default Descriptions Piecemark Prefixes

------ System ------

Piecemark prefixes (default settings in parentheses) : Beam ( B_ ), Column ( C_ ), Horizontal Brace ( HB_ ), Vertical Brace ( VB_ ), Girt (Legacy) ( G_ ), Purlin ( P_ ), Stair ( S_ ), Legacy Miscellaneous ( M_ ), Miscellaneous ( M_ ), Group Member ( GM_ ).

These "Prefixes" control how member piecemarks are named during Create Solids . For example, if you want beams to be piecemarked B_1 , B_2 , etc., enter ' B_ ' as the " Beam " prefix. Changes to Piecemark Prefixes will apply to newly added members or to members whose piecemarks change during Create Solids .

Piecemark prefix :
" Piece Mark " in the bill editor :
Piecemark in the detail callout :

------ Sheet autoload ------

Sheet autoload prefixes (default settings in parentheses) : Beam ( B ), Column ( C ), Horizontal Brace ( HB ), Vertical Brace ( VB ), Girt ( G ), Purlin ( P ), Stair ( S ), Miscellaneous ( M ), Group Member ( GM ).

These "prefixes" set under this heading control the renaming of member piecemarks when the option " Member type designation " is used for piecemark renaming during Auto Change Marks or Detail Sheet Autoloading .

Example 1: You are in Detail Sheet Autoloading and want to add six beam details from zone 1 to sheets and change their piecemarks. You turn " Detail piecemark renaming " on. You assign " Zone " an order of ' 1 ', enter ' _ ' as the " User character ," assign " Member type designation " an order of ' 3 ', and assign " Placement order on sheet " an order of ' 4 '. You then select enough beam details (all in zone 1) to create two sheets, each with three details. Assuming that ' B ' is entered here (on this window) as the Sheet Autoload Piecemark Prefix for beams, the beams will be reassigned the following piecemarks: 1_B1 , 1_B2 , 1_B3 , 1_B4 , 1_B5 , 1_B6 .

Example 2: Same as example 1, except that ' V ' is entered here (on this window) as the Sheet Autoload Piecemark Prefix for beams. The beams will be reassigned the following piecemarks: 1_V1 , 1_V2 , 1_V3 , 1_V4 , 1_V5 , 1_V6 .

Example 3: Same as example 1, except that you select column details. Assuming that ' C ' is entered here (on this window) as the Sheet Autoload Piecemark Prefix for columns, the selected columns will be reassigned the following piecemarks: 1_C1 , 1_C2 , 1_C3 , 1_C4 , 1_C5 , 1_C6 .

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To close Member Descriptions :


"OK" (or the Enter key) closes the Member Descriptions window and saves the settings on it to the current Fabricator . The settings may be applied in your current Job whenever that Fabricator is your current Fabricator. To change to a different Fabricator , Home > press "fabname" > double-click the Fabricator you want.

Warning: Changes to Default Member Descriptions only apply to subsequently added members. Changes to Piecemark Prefixes only apply to subsequently added members or to members whose piecemarks change.

"Cancel" (or the Esc key or the button) closes this window without saving any changes that you have made to it.

"Reset" undoes all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.

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